Thursday, March 6, 2008

Understanding Life On Earth: Commerce & Politics In The Mixed-Economies

People of this planet generally envision a worthy time here. And, this sense of self and family encompasses a blend of Rights & Obligations. It is with the accumulated wisdom of the past as it is mixed into the daily responsibilities of commerce and trade that we experience both gratitude and respect. The P-3 [Polluter Pays Principle] envelopes the capacity for our waste streams to generate new intellectual and commercial wealth. And, it is our mutual duty to create business and political enterprises that provide the continuous capacity to establish a balance between need of provisions and ability of Earth to provide sufficient resources without exhaustion. There is an appreciation for the gifts of this creation and its resource wealth. Plus, there are the realities of cause and effect - how our lifestyles impact upon the capacity of this Earth to respond to our industries. Accumulated wisdom provides us with the capacity to consider the lessons from our history in conjunction with the growing capacities from science and intellect to create new products, technologies and services.
Earth-1 has established an Enterprise Mission Statement or business plan. For the next three years the Earth-1 Political Party will utilize the Focus Resource Center to consider and publish Topical Research Papers with an intent of establishing the Political Platforms that candidates will adopt for 2010 when they will come forward to campaign as a regional, provincial, federal and international political force. Earth-1 has established a specific development project for a contaminated field operated by a public enterprise. And, the objective of this Enterprise Mission Plan is to convert this public open sewage lagoon system into a more environmentally responsible high-tech closed-loop treatment facility; while, also, determining the capacity of this project to achieve a reasonable public-benefit profit. These business plan objectives have evolved over the last 40 years from specific corporate enterprises throughout Canada. This VIP4Group in British Columbia, Canada has selected this JUB [Joint Utilities Board] waste management enterprise as an ideal model opportunity to examine the duties of all four corners of law: regional, provincial, federal and international - in conjunction with the obligations and rights to indigenous people. And, it is through these traditional eyes of the Cowichan Valley region that the VIP4Group JUB Earth-1 project will seek to integrate:
  1. Political and socio-economic realities of survival and environmental duty-of-care between original peoples and the landed entrepreneurs who have established citizenship through the course of several hundred years;
  2. The economies of trade and commerce with regional self-sustaining business development;
  3. Traditional teachings with contemporary education; especially in the fields of:
  • Sustainable electric energy production and distribution
  • Commercial Merchant Houses providing both macro and micro financing services
  • Integration of contemporary and holistic healing / health care
  • Environmental sciences and land-resource stewardship
  • Population fluxations and the tax bases
  • International and domestic laws as applied to land ownership: indigenous and commercial colonization; and,
  • Developing parochial sustainability of food production
Copyrighted Earth-1 2008